"Serpent & Dove" by Shelby Mahurin



9, 06 EUROS (Kindle Format) 


What happens when you, a witch, considered not only an abomination in God's eyes, but also a dangerous creature of the night, are strangely married to your worst enemy, a witch hunter?

"Serpent and Dove" happens, following the adventure of Louise Le Blanc, trying to surive in a new and dangerous world, which would kill her if they discovered she had magic, alongside her just-married (but not-so-happy-husband) Reid.

Let me tell you that... if this doesn't end in blood, it'll be glorious to read!

<<You look like somebody nearly killed you>> (...) <<Hazard of the job>>

REVIEW (4/5):
Hello friends, if you hadn't noticed it lately... my mood is... "I want to be a witch, give me a broom and a wand and I will show you what I can do", so how could I not think about picking up this book? (mostly after @debscourtofdreams, my little bookstagram sister, had threatened to burn me on the stake if I didn't read this book!).

And I honestly have to say that I am pleasant happy about this book, which ended up being one of my favorites of this period since it perfectly matched what I was looking for ("witches being bitches") and it is honestly a very nice and creative change of perspective with a nice role reversal, which I ended up loving, although it isn't something I am not used.

But before I start with singing my love for it, here comes the flaws: first of all I do think that the writing style is a tiny bit too messy for me, mostly because at the start it got to the point where I was like "wait... who is talking?" and I honestly have to say that maybe it was the fact that I red this digitally, so maybe in paper it all changes, but it made me confuse a lot of things, mostly at the start; I also believe that in certain points it chose a too easy road, ending up in what seemed "a little too perfect ending", but honestly I also feel like Shelby was perfect at "plot-twist".

She let us guess one, thinking that now we have everything under control and then straight up drop the bombs and blow our minds and you'd be here like "WHY DID I NOT SEE THE SIGNS?".

At first I was also bothered by Lou's behavior, because she is the farthest from my typical and beloved kind of favorite heroine, but I honestly ended up loving her so much, loving the way she is strong and fierce (and kick people in their balls), but also the emotions she shows are so genuine and described so perfectly I couldn't help but feel them with her and look at her with changed eyes, appreciating her.

Also with Reid I went through different periods: firstly I was absolutely stricken by our similarities, then as soon as I started feeling more like Lou I started to think straight and analyze his action, asking how far he could go, just to be swooned by his gentleness, the way he can be fun and the way he is a perfect gentleman who can play dirty.

I honestly have to say that I loved the change of gender roles, which I found not absolutely stereotyped in any kind of way.

But my favorite character was the sweet sweet Ansel (I am single if you are asking yourself, Ansel!) alongside my beloved Coco (see me drop anything to become a Rogue Dame), although I do have to say that there was a point and certain circumstances that made me break away from her, although I genuinely liked the friendship between her and Lou, beautifully portrayed, alongside the book.

Finally I have to say that I loved the setting, but also the way so many themes were discusses starting from the persecution of witches (which is actually more modern than you can think) to what is truly right (can we just appreciate how difficult some authors make it to actually hate the evil characters? Because some of them are just so so misguided, and some stories behind them are truly horrifying...).

So if you haven't still this book on your TBR?! WHAT ARE YOU WAITING FOR?! (I will personally compel you with an enchantment to get you to read this book (so we can all fangirl over it and be witches bitches together and torment Reid with our horrible cursing!).

Also, if you have read this, are you more a Dame Blanche or a Dame Rogue?

Sorry Morgana, I will have to go with Dame Rogue, because:

  • I am not scared of a little blood.
  • CAN I JUST GET PEOPLE TO GET WHAT I WANT? (which is books, lot of books...).

What about you?

So that was all for today folks!

Let me know what you thought about this book!

See you soon!

Eroine Penzel.

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