"TIME CRAWLERS" by Varun Sayal.



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Six sci-fi stories that will undoubtly make you want to start checking your bed for aliens and lamps for mysterious genies.

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REVIEW (4\5):

Hello there,

Here comes another review in English, because don't worry I'll keep making a foll of myself and my English for a very long time.

The book which I am reviewing today was kindly sent to me by the author, which I want to thank again for trusting me with his book and giving me this chance to knowing more about this very interesting new universe.

I want to start with saying this book is perfect for "Black Mirror" and Sci-Fi fans (I do have to say the style kind of reminded me of Isaac Asimov's style, because of its interest in the scientific themes, which are written by clearly a professional and knowing pen).

Mostly the short-story "Death by Crowd" was reminding me both of a "Black Mirror" episode, both of real facts, which could be the outcome of something that is starting nowadays.

In fact I really appreciated this book because of its amazing ability to write about something that seems so distant and still so near, showing clearly fictional world, that are a constant "what if" in our mind, something which I really approve of because, not only the stories are pretty enjoyable and interesting, but they also give us a chance to reflect upon what we might become.

I do have to say that the humor of some stories it's truly interesting and perfect for the surrealistic atmosphere, which is paired with a proper glossary for every character, who is shown different from the previous one we met.

This book is also interesting because its cast is mostly made of Indian people, which shows how pretty diverse this book is, alongside with showing a culture that isn't shown much in books, and if it is, it has a minor role, adapting its way to the technology, in a very interesting assembly, that is also a winning one (at least for me).

Also diverse is the structure and the kind of texts are used in this book, creating a very interesting play that keeps the reader interested, but also show how versatile is the author, who brings back also the interview genre to make the dialogue seem more real, almost as if we were reading a true interview from some confidential files, and not a book.

The only flaw of this book, that stopped me from giving it five stars, is the fact that this book is a tiny bit too short, so some passages might seem rushed in, and some stories seem to be cut on the cliffhanger, which both leaves us hanging for more, but also confused as hell...

Still wheter you are a die-hard Sci-Fi fan or you are just looking for a way to enter in this genre, I absolutely suggest you this book, both because it's a quick way to get to know the main themes of the Sci-Fi genre, alongside an extremely modern and close to us setting, both because of the extraordinary gem this book is!

See you soon!

Eroine Penzel.

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