"Young Power" by Andrea Blythe Liebman



7, 07 EUROS (Kindle Format).


When your missing boyfriend suddendly appears again in your college, after you have suddendly had to defeat a mysterious college friend.

And most of all you are suprisingly brought into a new world where their main characters are descendant of the gods and a mysterious prophecy is on your head.

Well that seems a very intersting, doesn't it? 

<<I will always worry about you>>

REVIEW (2,5/5):

I honestly have to say that if I had read this book a long time ago, I would have probably loved, mostly because it is very much interesting, alongside the fact that the concept behind this book seemed honestly one of the most interesting ever, mostly for a teenager! Eroine it would be definitely her perfect read but for "Almost-But-Not-Mentally-Adult-Eroine" it was an ok read.

I do have to say that the idea was very interesting and definitely my genre, since it was something I personally study (Greek mythology and literature) so I honestly liked the idea of creating a legacy of the gods, although I find like many part of this worldbuilding were left behind, almost obscured and with it being a very complex world-building it is a bit difficult to follow, when it is sadly shadowed by the many lovers quarrels happening in the book.

In fact I found myself a bit in trouble mostly for the main couple in the book, which I do have to say isn't one of my favorite, starting from the fact that its importance take up the entire book in a constant "push-and-pull" between the characters on it that sometimes goes a bit too fare, obscuring a few interesting details.

Also I honestly have to say that I felt like this constant codependency with the male character, always shadowed the main character's personality and I have a little personal note on her own introversion, which I felt was written a little too much through stereotypes, because it was taken to extreme and then forgotten, which is not a real representation of introversion.

As an introvert myself, I sadly couldn't empathize with the character for this characteristic which brought me to find myself a bit annoyed with her sometimes, sadly.

Still I honestly loved the character of Piper, since I always find myself loving more the secondary characters, who I found not only cute and nice, but a very interesting new idea of character, in which I find myself more, than the actual main character.

I honestly feel like this book is a very interesting re-telling, mostly if you look for retelling with a lot of romance (which are sadly not my ideal), I would say that it is a very nice and quick read for a busy time, where you want to escape on Olympus.

Do you like Greek mythology? Do you like seeing it in book?

Let me know!

See you soon!

Eroine Penzel.

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