"The Dead Girls Club" by Damien Angelica Walters



8,54 EUROS (Kindle Format)


Suddenly the past is coming for Heather all she can do is search.

Both in herself and others, desperately, in a world between supernatural and a mystery, wondering whether she is just going mad or the Red Lady is true.

Come with her on her journey to discovering a past that could be her future.

<<This meeting of the Dead Girls Club is now in order. So have any of you heard of the Red Lady>>

Review (3/5):

I honestly have to explain to Edelweiss what a genre is, since this was said to be a supernatural thriller, although I would describe it more as an horror, since it got me quite some nightmare...

... still i am glad it got me out of my comfort zone and if you are some scaredy cat like me.

The book is honestly not the best of the genre, but I am just going to point out the fact that it might have been so, because the resolution the author has given is something I personally consider "lazy writing", since instead of working with what she had written, she ended up introducing something new, which pretty much was more thrown in there, than actually planned. And this got me thinking that the author just ended up creating a more complex plot than she could handle.

Hence needing a little help from the outside of her writing, which, at least for me, wasn't working.

Still I do have to say that I quite liked the entire "then" section, since I found it rather interesting, and probably the one that made me truly curious of the story and I have to admit that the writing style of author gets better the more you delve into the writing.

The plot is pretty plain, although the Red Lady story is rather interesting and truly horrifying if you might ask me, but everything else kind of fall onto the back in a rather normal and common plot, which honestly didn't make me empathize with the main character, and I even have to say that I despised many of her choices, and what was worst was that this fall into madness was somehow fairytale-like interrupted without no explanation and no kind of retribution of acknowledgement on her part.

I honestly have to say that this story doesn't have much depth and it does stay on the surface of a lot of things, something that might almost be caught as uneducative, so please read this with attention.

Although there were quite some interesting themes being discussed through the book such as domestic violence, gender equality and childhood trauma, but they are all kept as surface arguments, so I kind of expected something more, leaving the reader to deepen their interest outside.

Not inherently a bad book, although I do think it isn't amazing and probably not the best of the genre, but if you are looking for some book, as a scaredy cat, to try out this genre, this might be the one for you!

Are you a fan of horror or as me they are just too much for you?

See you soon!

Eroine Penzel.

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