"There Will Come Darkness" (Age Of Darkness #1) by Katy Rose Pool



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A magical world, redued in scarmbles of what is happening.

But there is still faith: the promise of a Last Prophet has finally realized itself, and five characters will meet up each other, due to Fate's doings, in order to fight against it, for their own purposes.

Will they all survive? 

Or will the darkness come?

<<I won't let you fall>>

REVIEW (3/5):

I have received an ARC of this book thank to Eldeweiss, in exchange of my honest review.

I honestly do have to say that sadly this book is a clear example of "don't read immediately books with too much hype", because I had hype for this book, and its start promised so much!

... the rest, sadly, not so much...

I honestly believe that this book has amazing potential, it has an amazing cats of diverse characters, with great potential, but I honestly feel like the author didn't use their full potential (one example: Ephyra, I was expecting her to be some Adelina Amoteru-Celaena Sardothien, some badass assassin, and she ended up being nothing more than a ghost for the entire story, with not enough characterization, and a story which didn't impress me in the slightest).

Honestly I feel like the characters are the more interesting thing of this book, and if you love character driven narration, absolutely give this book a chance (not letting yourself be fooled by the hype!), but the plot was the same one we see for each YA book, which is not a bad thing, if the author can characterize it with its own elements, but in this one... I honestly felt like the plot-twists were something I saw from miles, alongside the fact that the middle part kind of fell flat to me.

I honestly found interesting the concept of refugees which is treated in the book, which I found extremely actual (in Italy we are currently trying to handle a refugee situation so I honestly couldn't help but feel it was an interesting twist) and I just wished it would have been something on which the author should have focused more, because it's modern and actual, and very interesting.

I also found the worldbuilding interesting, alongside the magic, which is probably something very original, although it kind of gave me Grisha vibes, but maybe if you are fan of that kind of magic, here comes a story for you (also for the COBAB lovers!); the worldbuilding was very interesting because it took some inspiration from our own world ("Pallas Athos" is basically Ancient Greece, mixed with the Christian society, although I am actually questioning if it is more a bizantine setting... sorry guys I study these things and I am low key happy to say that this reproduction was actually very loyal to its original inspiration) mixed with the obviously the characteristics of the magic.

I honestly don't think it's a bad book and I would be interested into reading the sequel, hoping that we will then see the true potential of the characters (although I do have to say that I already love Jude's journey, so I can hope for the future) but I'd suggest you t read it without too much hype for it and not to expect something dark (because I was low key expecting a book with all the characters being similar to The Darkling, whereas the majority of these characters are actually cinnamon rolls).

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See you soon!

Eroine Penzel.

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